BITHD Multi-Signature

Current supporting coins: BTC, ETH, EOS

Explanation: You must have Bitpie App version above 3.7.8, multiple people assets management function, in the sending process multi signature operation is needed.

Create Multi-Signature account

The inviter’s instructions:

1.Switch to the BITHD account, select BITHD Multi-Signature, and select the “+” sign in the upper right corner. In the “Create Multi-Signature” page, choose an icon and title that suits you.

../_images/m1.jpg ../_images/m2.jpg ../_images/m3.jpg

2.Invite new members, enter the UID that requires multiple signatures. This UID must be the UID of BITHD (in me-avatar, you can see it), click “Joining by invitation” and then click Next.


3.Confirm the number of signatures and click on Confirm button.


4.Confirm multi-signature again.


5.Enter BITHD PIN Code.

6.Create a multi-signature watch confirmation. After the confirmation in the watch, it will show that the creation is completed.


The Invitees instruction:

1.Switch to the invitee’s account and select check the latest records. The corresponding multi-signature information will appear, go to “join multi-signature” page.

../_images/m9.jpg ../_images/m10.jpg

2.Enter BITHD PIN Code.

3.Confirm on BITHD wallet.