Sending and receiving assets

In the following steps (for sending and receiving) we are going to use BTC as an example. Switch to BTC coin management in the BITHD account.

Note: Please make sure you have your seed phrases backed up before receiving assets.

Receiving BTC

In the BITHD wallet Main page select BTC – Select receive – Select my BTC address.

Sending BTC

In the BITHD wallet Main page select BTC– Select Send – Enter the correct BTC receiving address (e.g. 12w8ZUtMWn168ysz788K62vyauMoXXNsgt), enter the amount to be sent (e.g. 0.01).


Click on confirm sending.


At this point, the screen will display the specific miner fees, the receiving address and the sending amount. Press Confirm.


Enter your current PIN Code.


The First confirmation sending 0.01 BTC to 12w8ZUtMWn168ysz788K62vyauMoXXNsgt. (Confirm sending 0.01 BTC to 12w8ZUtMWn168ysz788K62vyauMoXXNsgt? Confirm or cancel)


The Second confirmation sending 0.00456 BTC to my change address 15ShVH8kH19bmmrx1Y53cjyrGwsp893GEk (Confirm sending 0.00456 BTC to 15ShVH8kH19bmmrx1Y53cjyrGwsp893GEk? Confirm or Cancel).


The Third confirmation sending, 0.00022 BTC miner fee is required to complete this transaction (Really send 0.01478 BTC from your wallet? Fee included:0.00022 BTC). After this transaction’s confirmation, the process is completed.

Note: The above addresses are just an example, write the correct sending address.